Relief for Sciatica Pain

Taking steps to keep your back in good condition should be a part of your daily routine, when you have problems with sciatica.  This goes farther than taking a pain pill or antiinflammatory when a flare up occurs, but consists of making changes in your lifestyle to keep the muscles in your back healthy for real relief of sciatica pain.

A lot of people find help through exercise now.  However, it is crucial to see your doctor about which exercise and stretching routines will work best for you and also to rule out any other serious problems that can by causing your symptoms.  Routine stretching exercises that offer some relief of sciatica symptoms should target the muscles that cause your pain, because they are tight and inflexible.  The sciatic nerve courses right through specific muscles in the back and legs, and when these muscles are stiff, they constrict the sciatic nerve, which is what causes pain.  Your doctor will also be able to provide advice on an exercise routine best suited to address the root cause of your pain, such as spinal stenosis or a herniated lumbar disc.

To keep your back healthy, you should also refrain from sitting or standing for long periods of time.  Every thirty to sixty minutes, be sure to take intermittent breaks from sitting.  even though you must stand for a long time, you can intermittently shift your weight from one foot to the other, and possibly rest one foot a little higher than the other on a box or curb.

Along with an exercise routine, you should reduce daily stress on your lower back to avoid sciatica flare-ups.  This includes using proper ergonomics while lifting and maintaining good posture.  Maintaining proper posture applies to sitting, standing, and lying down.  While sitting, be sure that your lower back is supported, in order to maintain good posture.  While you don’t want to sit too straight or lean too far back, being able to lightly rest your back against the back of your chair when sitting will help.  Another way to help improve your sitting posture is by getting a footrest to bring your knees to the same level or slightly higher than your hips.  Also be sure your head is not leaning too far forward in order to see what you’re working on.  Position reading material at a height that you can easily read it without bending over.  You should also consider adjusting the height of your computer screen in order to look at it straight on without being too high or too low.

Also try to refrain from lying on your stomach to sleep as this position puts undue stress on the muscles, ligaments, and discs of your back.  even though you can’t sleep without lying on your stomach, putting a pillow under your hips can help keep your spine aligned.

It is essential to find permanent relief from your pain when sciatica problems are a part of your life, by taking the proper steps to care for your lower back every day.