What is the best way to try to prevent a migraine headache?

What is the best way to try to prevent a migraine headache?
I can tell I have a migraine headache about ready to start. What is the best way to try to ward one off? I just dread knowing I’m probably going to have a migraine for the next couple of days. Any advice?

Best answer:

Answer by Susan Yarrawonga
Magnesium can help.

You can find further information in a search for migraines + magnesium.

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Migraine Headache and Tension Headache Symptoms

A migraine is a severe headache usually followed by symptoms including nausea and vomiting. This would disable you in a few hours or maybe even days. The level at which this happens or even just its frequency varies.

A recent study shows that women have problems with migraines much more than men. Although its exact cause is unknown, birth control devices happen to be one of many culprits.

A good example ofsuch a birth control device is the oral contraceptives. It is because its ingredients alter the woman’s hormonal level and causes the migraine. The causecertainly is too much estrogen which is certainly put into what is already naturally produced by the body.

Besides migraine, oral contraceptives may cause medical abnormalities from uterine fibroids to breast cancer.

Sometimes, the migraine attack may occur before or after taking the oral contraceptive. If this happens regularly, you are advised to try another method of birth control. This could be avoided though if you take it with food or milk. You should take this at the same time daily and stick with the prescribed dosage that was given to you.

Women over the age of 35 and experience migraines as a result of using birth control tablets and other devices are at risk of getting a stroke. This is another reason why some institutions strongly advice females to use another thing if they don’t want to get pregnant.

Those who are diabetic, have high cholesterol levels and blood pressure are advised not to take oral contraceptives.

But there is hope. One of the newest oral contraceptives to date is Seasonal. This tablet was introduced into the market in 2003 and since it makes females only experience a period four times in one year, this means fewer headaches for migraine sufferers.

But this oral contraceptive may not work for everyone.

In case you suffer migraines due to neurological problems, this won’t do any good and you will have to find another birth control device.

Women may still choose to use oral contraceptives.This really is only after they are examined by the doctor and if everything looks good, he or she will prescribe a lower dose of oral contraceptives. Talking to your physician may even prevent a full blown migraine from happening since there’s really no permanent solution to stop this from happening.

But you’ll find some women who experience migraines even before they start using oral contraceptives. In fact, the frequency didn’t increase or decrease once they were around the tablet but complained that the severity of the migraine got worse.

The severity of the migraine will also not go away overnight after you quit using oral contraceptives. Studies show that it will have a few months to your hormonal levels to normalize and only then will you have the ability to see an improvement.

Despite that, migraines will still happen and you will not blame it only on the tablet but due to other factors such as the food you eat, stress at home or in the office, other medications that you may be taking, physical factors and changes in the environment.

So although there is a direct link between oral contraceptives and migraine, you cannot say that it is the only reason why women suffer from it more than men.

How to can you get rid of migraine All kinds of Headache?

How to can you get rid of migraine All kinds of Headache?
I have used excedrin migraine before and it works pretty good but is there anything else i can try?

Best answer:

Answer by ♀♀LSBN
See your MD about it, even if you need to go to the ER. They will prescribe you something, and maybe have you meet with a neurologist. Exedrine won’t do anything for it. My wife has BAD migraines. She will actually vomit and pass out! Hers get really bad. She goes into the hospital and the MD pretty often. She is on a drug for migraines called Maxalt. You can ask your MD about that, or ask about Topomax or Imitrex. She does NOT use them anymore because they made her feel bad and she is now taking the Maxalt. But your own MD can find a medicine that your body can handle… And you might need an anti-nausea medicine like Reglan if you get sick from the migraines. even though one drug makes you sick, your MD can find one that might help better. My wife also uses that. She lays down with an ice pack after she takes her meds…Some people don’t find anything that really works. Certain foods can trigger it like nuts, peanut butter, pork, spicy food like pepperoni… Also, hormonal things including a menstrual cycle can trigger migraines. I don’t recommend scented things or aromatherapy because migraines can worsen or be triggered by scented things or strong-smelling things. Cleaning supplies, chemicals, perfumes, bleaches… They can be bad for a migraine, and so is bright lights, t.v. screens, computer screens, noises… Migraine Headaches can be affected by what is affecting the senses. A dark, quiet room is best to lay down in. Please see your doctor and good luck.

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What can the emergency room do to help my migraine headaches ?

What can the emergency room do to help my migraine headaches ?
I feel so bad i have migraine headaches and it hurts so bad and i feel like i want to throw up, i couldn’t even go to school. My parents thinking of taking me into the emergency room for my migraines. What can they do to help me ? Are they going to hospitalized me ? I’m scared please help me !

Best answer:

Answer by coolmomma
Hello, I hate to say this but they can do nothing. U need to see a neurologist to get mecication for the migraines. I know i had to do it myself.

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