Managing Migraine Headaches

Migraine All kinds of Headache can literally bring your existence to a halt. Anybody who has ever experienced the pain triggered by a migraine will completely realize this statement.

Often involving only one side of the head, these All kinds of Headache could be extremely debilitating for the sufferer. They are able to make you nauseous, as well as be painful to the point that you simply vomit. Episodes can last from 12 to 72 hours, with small or no relief.

Many individuals experience an aura at the onset of a migraine. ” Lightning flashes” observed within the corner of the eye, dizziness, blurred or double vision, and nausea are a couple of from the classic tell-tale signs that a migraine is about to happen.

The pain is extreme, and a single will become ultra sensitive to sights and sounds. Light of any sort is excruciating. Individuals will usually need to lie down in a darkened, quiet room although they wait for that headache to subside.

Many women begin to encounter migraines because they go via menopause. They may have never had a migraine in their life, but discover that they are regular during this time. There’s no known reason why this would begin to occur only at this time of life. Frequently times the trigger is tension related, but might be brought on by particular points that a single eats. Physical illness might be an additional trigger, but no one knows for particular.

Medications are available to avoid migraine All kinds of Headache, or to relieve symptoms after the onset. Numerous individuals end up within the emergency room of the hospital considering that they are getting a stroke if the migraine is severe sufficient.

The signs and symptoms of blurred vision accompanied by the extreme head pain lead some people to think which they may have a brain tumor. Your doctor will most likely order an MRI to rule this out.

In case you endure from frequent migraines, lie down and use a cold compress on the forehead and also the back of your neck. Caffeine will also help to relieve the signs and symptoms by dilating the blood vessels.

Often a physician will prescribe certain drugs which are also utilized to deal with higher blood pressure, because they seem to possess an impact on the frequency and intensity of the migraine. Known as calcium channel blockers and Beta blockers, they’ve been utilized with some success within the past. These are used as preventive measures.

Your physician will operate with you to attempt to lessen the frequency from the migraines, even though some individuals will continue to have as numerous as 5 or 6 a week. Depending on how frequently you’ll have them is not something that can be predicted. Attempt to determine what it’s that you simply were performing before the headache occurred. Keep a list of things you consume that appear to precipitate the migraine.

Maintain your physician informed of your findings. By discovering out what the trigger from the migraines is will help to control them. even though the natural ways does not assist you to control the migraines, you will find medications on the market these days that a physician can prescribe to assist deal with the migraines. With that becoming said if you can control them without drug then it is suggested to do so.

Preventive Migraine Medications

These meds can:

      • Help you have fewer migraines.
      • Make your headaches less severe.
      • Make them shorter.

This type of treatment can help if you get migraines often.

You may want to consider preventive medications if:

      • The drugs you take to relieve your migraines don’t help or you have bad side effects from them.
      • You have 4 or more migraines a month.

The drugs that are used to prevent migraine include:

Anti-seizure drugs. These meds may work by calming nerve cells in the brain.

They include:

      • Gabapentin (Gralise, Horizant, Neurontin)
      • Topiramate (Qudexy XR,Trokendi XR, Topamax)
      • Valproic acid (Depakene, Depakote, Stavzor)
Beta-blockers usually treat high blood pressure and heart disease. It’s not clear how they help prevent migraines. Some that work for these headaches include:

      • Atenolol (Tenormin)
      • Metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol XL)
      • Nadolol (Corgard)
      • Propranolol (Inderal, Innopran XL)
      • Timolol

Antidepressants. These medications affect the level of the brain chemical serotonin, which may be linked to migraines. Some of them, such as amitriptyline and venlafaxine, can help keep the headaches away. Other kinds may work, too.

CGRP Inhibitors: CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide) is a molecule involved in causing migraine pain. CGRP inhibitors are a class of drugs that block the effects of CGRP. They are specifically approved to prevent migraine attacks. You give yourself an injection once a month with a pen-like device. In clinical trials, people consistently had one to two fewer migraine days a month than those who took placebo. Mild pain and redness at the injection site are the most common side effects. These drugs are:

      • Atogepant (Qulipta)
      • Eptinezumab (Vyepti)
      • Erenumab (Aimovig)
      • Fremanezumab (Ajovy)
      • Galcanezumab (Emgality)

Atogepant (Qulipta) can be taken orally. Eptinezumab (Vyepti) is taken as an IV infusion every three months. Fremanezumab (Ajovy) can be taken every three months or once a month. For the others, you give yourself.

Triptans for menstrual-related migraines. These drugs treat migraines when they’re already happening, but one — frovatriptan (Frova) — may help prevent migraines that women get because of their menstrual cycle. The medicine affects serotonin levels and may also relieve pain in other ways.Botulinum toxin (Botox). Often used to treat wrinkles, it also helps some people who get migraines at least 15 days per month, called chronic migraines. It’s for people who have long-term migraine headaches, with the attack lasting 4 hours at a time or longer. Doctors think Botox may keep the brain from giving off chemicals that the body uses to send pain signals.

When you take medication to prevent migraines, keep these tips in mind:

    • Your doctor will likely start you on a low dose and gradually increase it over time. It may take several months to find the best dose with the fewest side effects.
    • Don’t suddenly stop taking preventive medications. That could trigger a rebound headache. If you do need to stop taking them, you’ll need to gradually taper off under your doctor’s care.
    • These meds probably won’t completely get rid of your headaches. You may still need to take medicine when you do have one.
If you can’t take medication or wish not to, a device might be worth considering. Cefaly is a portable headband-like device that gives electrical impulses on the skin at the forehead. This stimulates a nerve associated with migraine headaches. Cefaly is used once a day for 20 minutes, and when it’s on you may feel a tingling or massaging sensation.SpringTM may be another option. You hold this device at the back of your head at the first sign of a headache, and it gives off a magnetic pulse that stimulates part of the brain. In addition, there is a noninvasive vagus nerve stimulator called gammaCore. When placed over the vagus nerve in the neck, it releases a mild electrical stimulation to the nerve’s fibers to relieve pain. Nerivio is a wireless remote electrical neuromoduat home.

The off-lable use of Gabapentin for migraine

Gabapentin is as an anti-epileptic drug and as an analgesic, particularly for pain of the neuropathic or neurogenic type.  When used for controlling epilepsy, it is usually used in conjunction with another anti-epileptic drug.  But Gabapentin is widely used  to treat nerve pain or neuropathic pain than it is to treat epilepsy.

Gabapentin is also sometimes used to relieve the pain of diabetic neuropathy (numbness or tingling due to nerve damage in people who have diabetes), and to treat and prevent hot flashes (sudden strong feelings of heat and sweating) in women who are being treated for breast cancer or who have experienced menopause (”change of life”, the end of monthly menstrual periods). Talk to your doctor about the risks of using this medication for your condition.

It is also widely used to treat Anxiety and Migraine prevention.

One of Gabapentin “off-label” usage is for migraine prevention and treatment, including migraines with or without aura, vestibular migraines. It can reduce the frequency of headaches, pain intensity, and the use of symptomatic medications. Gabapentin is a good preventive therapy for migraines refractory to standard medications.

The chemical structure of gabapentin is related that of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) which is a neurotransmitter in the brain. The exact mechanism as to how gabapentin controls epilepsy and relieves pain is unknown, but it probably acts like the neurotransmitter GABA.

The effective dose of gabapentin varies greatly. Some persons need only 200-300 mg a day whereas others may need 3000 mg or more a day. It may take several weeks to become effective, so it is important to stay on it for an adequate length of time.

The Efficacy of gabapentin in migraine prophylaxis experiment shows  gabapentin is an effective prophylactic agent for patients with migraine.

In the Clinical trials143 patients evaluated gabapentin for migraine prophylaxis.  After 3 months the patients taking gabapentin had a reduction of the migraine frequency by 1.5 migraines per month (or by 35.7%) compared with a reduction of 0.6 migraines per month for the placebo group. Also, gabapentin reduced the headache frequency by 50% or greater in 45% patients compared with only 16% patients on placebo. The most frequently reported adverse events  were asthenia, dizziness, somnolence, and infection.

In Famous medical websites, migraine patients also review the gabapentin as the migraine prevention medicine. They rate Gabapentin 8.1 stars out of ten stars. It is a high mark and means Gabapentin is a very effective medicine for migraine prevention.

I haven’t been taking this medication for long but it’s helped so much. Neuro started me off on 300mg at night and now I’m at 600mg at night. It doesn’t make me sleepy or drowsy. Before starting gabapentin, I was having migraines just about every day. I started having aphasia and vision changes with my migraines, so I decided to take action. I’ve only been on it for almost 2 weeks but I’ve been migraine free and my triggers are no longer triggers at this point, which is fantastic. I should note it has reduced my appetite but this is not a negative thing.” –  Crystaldreams July 25, 2017

This medication is..interesting. I am 20 with what a few doctors think is Fibro and a chronic pain condition but was Rx’d this med by a psych doctor for tension migraines. While it does NOT really help with migraines, it has been making me awfully sleepy and drowsy, and helping with weird aches and pains throughout my body. It can be used as a mood stabilizer and I can see why- because it makes you so drowsy you can’t do or say anything, especially after taking the evening dose! I’ve been afraid to drive any car since starting this. It makes me more drowsy than my anxiety meds which don’t make me drowsy at all! Doctor is raising the dose because since writing that first part- I have become quite used to the med, where my dose does NOT work  – Chelseabergstresser (taken for 1 to 6 months) May 11, 2017

“I have chronic Migraine called Glutamate Storm. First dose of 100mgs made me sleep 36 hours. Before I got the prescription I never slept more than 5 hours per night and often only got 2 hours of sleep per night. But I did not want to take a prescription every day, so I only took it when my ears were ringing really loud and I was sleep deprived. But then I noticed that my chronic cough was always gone the day after taking Gabapentin. So I started taking it every day for that. When I did, my headache and ear ringing got a lot better. I am now taking 400 mgs per day. I had bad breath at first, but it’s gone. Dr. says it might have detoxed something. I am all for that. Better out than in. This drug has helped me a lot. And I am not pro-pharma.” – Gylm April 26, 2017

What Diseases Gabapentin can treat ?

Gabapentin was developed to treat epilepsy, but it is now used to treat various forms of chronic pain. It works by reducing the number of signals sent through the nerves. If the signals are reduced then the pain will be reduced. Research has shown that Gabapentin can help in treating various types of nerve pain.

Some Research Team performed searches to look for clinical trials where gabapentin was used to treat neuropathic pain or fibromyalgia. They found that 5633 participants had been involved in 37 studies of reasonable quality.  They tested gabapentin against placebo for four weeks or more.  Studies lasting only one or two weeks are unhelpful when pain can last for years.

Neuropathic pain is pain coming from damaged nerves. It differs from pain messages carried along healthy nerves from damaged tissue (a fall, cut, or arthritic knee). Neuropathic pain is treated by different medicines than pain from damagedtissue.

Medicines like paracetamol or ibuprofen are not effective in neuropathic pain, while medicines that are sometimes used to treat depression or epilepsy can be very effective in some people with neuropathic pain.  Our understanding of fibromyalgia (a condition of persistent, widespread pain and tenderness, sleep problems, and fatigue) is poor, but fibromyalgia can respond to the same medicines as neuropathic pain.

Gabapentin and Fioricet are not recommended for a long term use. If you want to reduce your pain for a long time purpose, we suggest you to take some anti-aging products and natural Pain relief products.

By, Gabapentin Can be used for a lot of Nerve Pain related health conditions. including Cough, Hot Flashes, Alcohol Withdrawal, Anxiety 161 reviews, Bipolar Disorder, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Postherpetic Neuralgia, Migraine, Insomnia, Occipital Neuralgia, Peripheral Neuropathy,Vulvodynia, Benign Essential Tremor, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, Pain Relief, Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy , Neuropathic Pain,Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome,Periodic Limb Movement Disorder, Spondylolisthesis, Burning Mouth Syndrome,Pudendal Neuralgia, Small Fiber Neuropathy.

A lot of Patients use Gabapentin (Neurontin) to treat Hot Flashes, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Migraine, Insomnia, Restless Legs Syndrome, Peripheral Neuropathy, Fibromyalgia, Neuropathic Pain. Fe patients use gabapentin to treat Pruritus, Cough, Occipital Neuralgia, Benign Essential Tremor, ement Disorder, Spondylolisthesis, Burning Mouth Syndrome, Pudendal Neuralgia, Small Fiber Neuropathy.

Gabapentin is used for nerve pain, migraine, fibromyalgia and epilepsy

Gabapentin is used to control the symptoms of seizures and works by reducing the abnormal electrical activity in the brain, but exactly how it does this is not fully understood. Gabapentin is also used to treat certain types of long-lasting pain caused by damage to nerves.

gabapentin-300Gabapentin belongs to a group of medicines known as anti-epileptic medicines, although it is prescribed for the treatment of several different conditions. You may have been prescribed it for the treatment of partial seizures, which are a type of epilepsy. A seizure is a short episode of symptoms which is caused by a burst of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. With a partial seizure, the burst of electrical activity stays in one part of the brain. Therefore, you tend to have localised or ‘focal’ symptoms. Gabapentin is used to control the symptoms of seizures and works by reducing the abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Exactly how it does this is not fully understood.

Gabapentin is also prescribed to treat certain types of long-lasting pain caused by damage to nerves. This type of pain, called neuropathic pain, can be caused by a number of different diseases. These include diabetes (where it is called diabetic neuropathy) and shingles (where it is called postherpetic neuralgia).

Although gabapentin is only licensed for use in epilepsy and neuropathic pain, it is also prescribed to help to prevent attacks of migraine. If you have been given it for this reason then you should speak with your doctor if you have any questions about your treatment.

Some medicines are not suitable for people with certain conditions, and sometimes a medicine may only be used if extra care is taken. For these reasons, before you start taking gabapentin it is important that your doctor knows:

  • If you are pregnant, trying for a baby or breast-feeding.
  • If you have any problems with the way your kidneys work.
  • If you have diabetes.
  • If you have ever had a mental health problem known as psychosis.
  • If you are taking any other medicines. This includes any medicines you are taking which are available to buy without a prescription, such as herbal and complementary medicines.
  • If you have ever had an allergic reaction to a medicine.

Gabapentin Mechanism of action

The mechanism of the anticonvulsant action of gabapentin has not been fully described. Several possible mechanisms for pain improvement have been discussed. Though similar in structure to the endogenous neurotransmitter GABA, gabapentin has not been shown to bind to GABA receptors at concentrations at or below 1 mM. Gabapentin modulates the action of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) and branched chain aminotransferase (BCAT), two enzymes involved in GABA biosynthesis. In human and rat studies, gabapentin was found to increase GABA biosynthesis, and to increase non-synaptic GABA neurotransmission in vitro.

Gabapentin has been shown to bind to the α2δ-1 subunit of voltage gated calcium ion channels, which contributes to its pain attenuation effects in diabetic neuropathy and post-herpetic neuralgia. Other neurophysiological findings indicate that gabapentin also interacts with NMDA receptors, protein kinase C, and inflammatory cytokines

What is gabapentin mostly used for?

Gabapentin is an antiepileptic or anticonvulsant treatment originally designed to prevent seizures, but which is now also used to manage certain types of pain and in a variety of other uses.

The medication is also used in veterinary medicine. Note that tablets, capsules or oral solutions designed for human consumption often contain sweeteners which may be poisonous to some species; be sure to buy Gabapentin in veterinary formulations for use in animals.

The medication comes in capsules, which may be opened and mixed into a beverage or soft foods that do not require chewing, though it is difficult to mask its bitter taste.

Preventing Seizures

Gabapentin is most commonly prescribed to prevent certain types of seizures:

    • Focal seizures
    • Mixed Seizures
    • Generalized Seizures

As a preventive treatment, Gabapentin may be used in children as young as 3, but is most often prescribed to people 12 years old and up.

The medication is typically taken 3 times per day, and treatment is usually long-term. Patients are usually started on smaller doses which are then increased if needed. The average dose for adults is 900 to 1800 mg per day.

Daily doses are usually divided into 3 smaller doses, taken morning, afternoon, and at bedtime. Doses should be taken at least 4 hours apart, but not more than 12 hours apart.

It may take several weeks for the medication to become noticeably effective. When working, seizures should occur with significantly less frequency or be eliminated entirely. It does not work on all seizures and is not effective for all patients; if effects are not significant after several weeks of use, speak with doctor about alternative options rather than continuing to buy Gabapentin.

Ending treatment abruptly may cause an increase in seizures; speak with a doctor about tapering off the medication.

Pain Relief

Patients planning to buy Gabapentin for pain relief should understand that it only works on very specific types of pain; namely neuropathic pain, or pain caused by damage to the somatosensory system, including:

    • Postherpetic neuralgia
    • Central neuropathic pain
    • Diabetic neuropathy
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Spinal injuries
    • Cancer

When given for pain, treatment may last just a few days for flare-ups or weeks or months in cases of chronic pain. Dosage rarely exceeds 1800 mg a day; greater amounts may be taken, but rarely produce additional relief.

Some individuals notice effects within the first day or two of treatment, but it may take several weeks to provide consistent pain relief in chronic conditions.

While some patients find Gabapentin tremendously helpful, others find it has little effect, even when treating the same condition. Speak with a doctor about other options if it is not providing significant relief.

Other Uses

Gabapentin is used in a wide range of other conditions, though it is not always the most effective option for certain ailments:

    • Menopausal symptoms
    • Uremic pruritus in liver failure
    • Restless leg syndrome
    • Insomnia
    • Anxiety disorders
    • Migraines

Many of this product’s off-label uses are somewhat controversial, as some claim there is no evidence the medication provides any benefit in some of the above conditions, while others claim it produces good results for some individuals.

In other cases the medication is recognized as being effective, but is not typically the preferred treatment; in these situations Gabapentin may be given when first-line treatments are ill-advised for some reason.

Patients are not advised to buy Gabapentin for off-label use without doctor collaboration, particularly if there are any preexisting major medical conditions.

Gabapentin Can be used for a lot of Nerve Pain related health conditions including Cough, Hot Flashes, Alcohol Withdrawal, Anxiety 161 reviews, Bipolar Disorder, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Postherpetic Neuralgia, Migraine, Insomnia, Occipital Neuralgia, Peripheral Neuropathy,Vulvodynia, Benign Essential Tremor, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, Pain Relief, Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy , Neuropathic Pain,Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome,Periodic Limb Movement Disorder, Spondylolisthesis, Burning Mouth Syndrome,Pudendal Neuralgia, Small Fiber Neuropathy.

What is Gabapentin Off label Usage
What is Gabapentin Off label Usage

Use only the brand and form of gabapentin that your doctor has prescribed. Check your medicine each time you get a refill at the pharmacy, to make sure you have received the correct form of this medication. Do not stop taking Gabapentin unless your doctor tells you to. If your treatment is stopped it should be done gradually over a minimum of 1 week. If you stop taking gabapentin suddenly or before your doctor tells you, there is an increased risk of seizures.

  • Before starting this treatment, read the manufacturer’s printed information leaflet from inside the pack. It will give you more information about gabapentin and will provide you with a full list of the side-effects which you may experience from taking it.
  • Take gabapentin exactly as your doctor tells you to. There are several different strengths of gabapentin tablets and capsules available, and you could be prescribed more than one strength.
  • You will be advised to take a low dose when you first start taking gabapentin, and then to increase the dose over a few days. This is to allow your body to get used to it. Most people take three doses a day once they are on a regular maintenance dose. Your doctor will explain all this to you, and the dosing directions will be printed on the label of the pack. If you are still unsure about how to take your doses, ask your pharmacist to advise you.
  • You can take gabapentin before or after food. Swallow the tablets/capsules with a drink of water. If you have been supplied with oral liquid medicine, see the instructions below for using the oral dosing syringe.
  • Once you are taking a regular amount of gabapentin, try to take your doses at the same times each day. This will help you avoid missing doses.
  • If you do forget to take a dose, take one as soon as you remember. Try to take the correct number of doses each day, but do not take two doses at the same time.
  • If you need to take an antacid or indigestion remedy, do not take it during the two hours before or the two hours after you take gabapentin. This is because antacids reduce the amount of gabapentin that your body absorbs.

Instructions for using the dosing syringe with Gabapentin Rosemont Oral Solution

  1. Remove the bottle cap, and push the syringe adaptor into the top of the open bottle.
  2. Insert the syringe into the adapter.
  3. Turn the bottle (with the syringe connected to it) upside down.
  4. Gently pull out the plunger of the syringe so that the solution fills the syringe to the mark which corresponds to your dose.
  5. Turn the bottle the correct way up again, and remove the syringe from the bottle.
  6. Put the tip of the syringe into your mouth, and gently push the plunger so that the liquid is released into your mouth.
  7. Replace the bottle cap. Wash the syringe with water after each use.
  • Try to keep your regular appointments with your doctor. This is so your doctor can check on your progress.
  • When you first start a new treatment for epilepsy there may be a change in the number or type of seizures you experience. Your doctor will advise you about this. If you are a woman and want to have a family, make sure that you discuss this with your doctor before you become pregnant. This is so that you can be given advice about your treatment from a specialist.
  • People with epilepsy must stop driving. Your doctor will advise you about when it may be possible for you to start driving again. This will usually be after a year free of seizures.
  • A small number of people have developed mood changes or thoughts about suicide whilst being treated with anti-epileptics. If this happens to you, you must tell your doctor about it straightaway.
  • If you buy any medicines, always check with a pharmacist that they are suitable to take with your other medicines.
  • You must take gabapentin regularly every day. Stopping treatment suddenly can cause problems. If it becomes necessary for the treatment to stop, your doctor will want you to reduce your dose over a few days.

Along with their useful effects, most medicines can cause unwanted side-effects although not everyone experiences them. The table below contains some of the most common ones associated with gabapentin. You will find a full list in the manufacturer’s information leaflet supplied with your medicine. The unwanted effects often improve as your body adjusts to the new medicine, but speak with your doctor or pharmacist if any of the following continue or become troublesome.

Common gabapentin side-effects
What can I do if I experience this?
Feeling sleepy, tired, unsteady or dizzy; blurred vision and other eyesight problems Do not drive or use tools or machines
Headache Ask your pharmacist to recommend a suitable painkiller
Feeling or being sick, indigestion, stomach ache Stick to simple foods – avoid rich or spicy meals
Diarrhoea Drink plenty of water to replace the lost fluids
Constipation Try to eat a well-balanced diet and drink several glasses of water each day
Dry mouth Try chewing sugar-free gum or sucking sugar-free sweets
Infections, flu-like symptoms, increased appetite, flushing,
increased blood pressure, changes in weight, changes in emotions or mood, fits, movement difficulties, feeling shaky, difficulties sleeping, breathing difficulties, cough, gum changes, bruises, muscle or joint pains, impotence, and swollen feet or ankles
If any of these become troublesome, speak with your doctor for advice

Important: gabapentin has been associated with a number of unwanted effects which affect the blood, pancreas and liver. Although these occur less commonly than the side-effects listed above, you must let your doctor know straightaway if you notice any of the following as they could be serious:

  • Persistent stomach pain with sickness (these could be symptoms of an inflamed pancreas).
  • A skin rash, or any swelling of your mouth or face (these could be symptoms of an allergic reaction).
  • Any yellowing of your skin or of the whites of your eyes (these could be symptoms of jaundice).
  • Any unusual bruising or bleeding (these could be symptoms of a blood disorder).

If you experience any other symptoms which you think may be due to the medicine, speak with your doctor or pharmacist for further advice.

  • Keep all medicines out of the reach and sight of children.
  • Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and light.
  • Once a bottle of Gabapentin Rosemont Oral Solution has been opened it will keep for one month. Do not use it after this time, and make sure you have a fresh supply.

Gabapentin Side Effects


Report any new or worsening symptoms to your doctor, such as: mood or behavior changes, anxiety, depression, or if you feel agitated, hostile, restless, hyperactive (mentally or physically), or have thoughts about suicide or hurting yourself.

Call your doctor at once if you have:

  1. increased seizures;
  2. severe weakness or tiredness;
  3. upper stomach pain;
  4. chest pain, new or worsening cough with fever, trouble breathing;
  5. severe tingling or numbness;
  6. rapid back and forth movement of your eyes;
  7. kidney problems–little or no urination, painful or difficult urination, swelling in your feet or ankles, feeling tired or short of breath; or
  8. severe skin reaction–fever, sore throat, swelling in your face or tongue, burning in your eyes, skin pain followed by a red or purple skin rash that spreads (especially in the face or upper body) and causes blistering and peeling.

Gabapentin is an Addiction Treatment Medication

Gabapentin is used to treat cases of addiction in an off-label manner. Different companies, including Parke-Davis, Greenstone, and Teva, manufacture several varieties of the generic drug. Other drugs that have been used to treat the symptoms of addiction withdrawal, for specific substances, include:

  • Clondine
  • Other anticonvulsants, such as Tegretol and Depakote
  • Methadone and buprenorphine
  • Naltrexone

Typical Application

Available in capsules, tablets, and as an oral liquid, dosages range from 100 mg to 800 mg. The frequency with which a dose is repeated depends on the specific dose, which is usually based on the severity of withdrawal and the client’s weight. The drug’s half-life is around 5-7 hours.

Generally, it is used during medical detox and throughout subsequent treatment modalities to support relapse prevention while clients adjust to their new sober lifestyles.

Treating Substance Abuse

According to Medscape, gabapentin can inflict users with suicidal thoughts and abrupt changes in behavior. For this reason, it should only be used under medical supervision. It can also cause elevated blood pressure, fever, sleep problems, appetite changes, and chest pain.

While it has been used to treat addictions to other substances, gabapentin is most often used to treat alcoholism — an addiction some 16.6 million adults suffered from in 2013, per the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

During withdrawal from alcohol abuse or dependency, clients may experience anxiety, tremors, agitation, and irritability. In order to understand how gabapentin works, there must be a basic understanding of how the brain works first. Nervous system activity is partially controlled by GABA neurotransmitters. Gabapentin works by reducing activity among GABA. As a result, signals for pain, agitation, and anxiety are reduced, too.

An American Journal of Psychiatry study showed impressive results during the 16-week treatment of 150 people who were dependent on alcohol, noting better results among those who were treated with both gabapentin and naltrexone than the latter alone. TheJournal of Clinical Psychiatry reported on another study in which individuals treated for alcoholism with gabapentin showed a significant reduction in how much they drank and a greater rate of abstinence than those in the placebo group.

Gabapentin has the same calming effect on individuals who are detoxing from marijuana and benzodiazepines. Despite claims from fans of the plant-based drug, marijuana is indeed addictive. In 2012, 305,560 people checked into rehab citing cannabis as their primary drug of abuse, per the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. One Neuropsychopharmacology study that analyzed the use of gabapentin in the treatment of marijuana addiction and withdrawal noted individuals in the gabapentin treatment group used less marijuana, had fewer withdrawal symptoms, and experienced improvements in cognitive functioning, compared to the placebo group.

Gabapentin is also used to treat Alcohol Withdrawal

I am still on gabapentin. Dose is 600mg three times a day – total 1800mg in a 24 hour period. I had not had a drink “craving” since August 11, 2014 when I quit. (I did this within one week of starting gabapentin). I did have a glass of wine at Christmas, one beer on my birthday, and one glass of wine at Easter. That’s it. I use to have 10 beers a day, and three glasses of wine or gin for bad panic attacks and generalized anxiety. So for me (not everyone) I can have that occasional drink with friends, at party or any social event – then come home and not touch the stuff and WITHOUT ANY CRAVINGS AT ALL – as I had during my 40-year binge. Still, this drug is amazing. AA never worked for me.

“I went on gabapentin for alcoholism that troubled me for 10 years when nothing including Alcoholics Anonymous barely worked. I read anecdotal information that it helped with alcoholism, went on 600mg twice daily and it was the first thing that helped me. Now I take 1200mg twice daily and find it works great! Afterwards I read a study in the Journal of American Medicine, Gabapentin in Alcohol Dependance, 2014 that confirmed it works well in many people for cravings and binge drinking. This medicine should be further studied to confirm it works well. On this site it is obvious it helps a lot of people struggling with alcoholism which I have, along with Bipolar Disorder. I call Gabapentin my” happy pills” that also takes away my anxiety

I’ve detoxed several times. The last one was really bad. This time My Dr. put me gabapentin 300 mg. 3 times a day and Lithium. I usually suffer withdrawals for 5-7 days. I did have anxiety for two days, but I’m on day 3, no anxiety and no cravings

If you are having an operation or dental treatment, tell the person carrying out the treatment which medicines you are taking.

Never take more than the prescribed dose. If you suspect that you or someone else might have taken an overdose of this medicine, go to the accident and emergency department of your local hospital. Take the container with you, even if it is empty, so the doctor knows what has been taken.

This medicine is for you. Never give it to other people even if their condition appears to be the same as yours.

Do not keep out-of-date or unwanted medicines. Take them to your local pharmacy which will dispose of them for you.

If you have any questions about this medicine ask your pharmacist.


Migraine Headache and Tension Headache and Migraine Migraine Headache and Tension Headache Relief

Headache and Migraine Migraine Headache and Tension Headache Relief

If you experience moderate or severe migraine headaches regularly and they do not respond to medications, take a look at the following list of triggers and really consider changing your lifestyle to get headache and migraine relief.

Lifestyle changes to think about for migraine sufferers include:

Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day.
Exercise regularly (daily if possible). Make a commitment to exercise even when traveling or during busy periods at work. Exercise can improve the quality of sleep and reduce the frequency and severity of migraine headaches. Build up your exercise level gradually. Over-exertion, especially for someone who is out of shape, can lead to migraine headaches.
Do not skip meals, and avoid prolonged fasting.

Limit stress through regular exercise and relaxation exercises. Limit caffeine consumption to less than two caffeine-containing beverages a day.
Avoid bright or flashing lights and wear sunglasses if sunlight is a trigger.

Avoid certain foods especially those high in tyramine such as sharp cheeses or those containing sulphites (wines) or nitrates (nuts, pressed meats).
Identify and avoid foods that trigger headaches by keeping a headache and food diary. Review the diary with your doctor. It is impractical to adopt a diet that avoids all known migraine triggers; however, it is reasonable to avoid foods that consistently trigger migraine headaches.

Generally, leading a healthy life-style with good nutrition, an adequate intake of fluids, sufficient sleep and exercise may be useful.

Here is a free eBook Migraine Migraine Headache and Tension Headaches that has a wealth of information about migraines.

See how 2 minutes is all you need to fix your headaches!

There are so many different medications for migraine sufferers, but I have just discovered a product that works on over 95% of the people has ZERO side effects.  On top of that its pain free and you can use it over and over again.  You can use it on your friends and family too.  It’s safe, easy and best of all you can get rid of a migraine or headache in about 2 minutes. No waiting 30-45 minutes for your pills to kick in.  No side effects and no pain or bad taste in your mouth.

Migraines are often under-diagnosed and under-treated. There is no cure for migraine. But, there are numerous measures that may help improve the life of migraine sufferers. The choice of these measures should take into account the individual aspects of each migraine sufferer. Triggering factors, nerve inflammation, blood vessel changes, and pain are each addressed aggressively. Individualizing treatment is essential for optimal outcome.

It’s time to get migraine and headache relief today, don’t wait any longer, it’s your life you should be able to live life to the fullest, migraines shouldn’t be holding you back.