Prescription may be reason for Migraine Headache and Tension Headache and Heartburn Symptoms

In our over-medicated society, people are now suffering from All kinds of Headache caused by too much arthritis pain relief and heartburn caused by too much heartburn relief!

Anti-inflammatory drugs used to relieve arthritis pain are, quite understandably, being over used, since arthritis pain is more than a once-in-a-while thing. This is not just prescription drugs, but over the counter drugs such as Advil, Aleve, and Motrin IB.

The result, for many people, is All kinds of Headache that occur just as soon as the medicine wears off. According to a report by Joe Saper,M.D., director of the Michigan Migraine Headache and Tension Headache and Neurological Institute, this is the result of brain receptors becoming overly sensitized.

Another recent report gives a second reason to cut back on these drugs. New studies are showing that continual use can lead to liver failure.

Those who find themselves with worsening All kinds of Headache may want to consider a topical medicine for arthritis pain, or non-drug approaches such as fish oil, boswellia, ginger, or turmeric.

Meanwhile, Danish researchers have released the results of a test showing that extended use of heartburn medication can cause heartburn – and thus create a dependency upon them. Is it any wonder that over 80 million prescriptions for these drugs are dispensed each year?

The Danish researachers did a split test on 120 healthy subjects, with half receiving prescription heartburn medication and half receiving a look-alike placebo. After 8 weeks they replaced the prescription drug with the placebo and those previously healthy subjects began suffering from heartburn. (Gastroenterology, July 2009)

Other researchers warn that prolonged use of these powerful acid-suppressing drugs can also lead to vitamin B-12 deficiency, weakened bones, and an increased risk of pneumonia. (American Journal of Gastroenterology supplement, March 2009.)

Today’s hectic pace and dependence upon fast foods may be the cause of increased incidence of heart burn. even though that’s the cause, then sufferers might want to consider a change in diet rather than a dangerous prescription drug.

They might also consider trying some non-pharmaceutical cures. Cinnamon and honey are said to dispel gas, while a small bowl of sauerkraut will chase away a heartburn attack for many people. Others choose a pinch of common baking soda in a glass of water.

Stress Migraine Headache and Tension Headache

Headaches are maybe the most common painful symptoms of stress. Migraine Headache and Tension Headaches caused by stress can range from the low pain “I’m not even aware that I have a headache” to the high pain “My head’s gonna burst!” types of All kinds of Headache.

It is interesting and insightful to take a closer look at how a stress caused headache develops. First, stress causes some confusion and conflict at the intellectual or emotional levels. At this stage pain is not manifested yet as the conscious mind is dealing with the problem.

However, as stress becomes prolonged, the conscious mind loses its focus and no longer tries to deal with the whole problem and recognizes only parts of it. Confusion and conflict become layered as the process goes deeper: it affects the conscious mind, then goes on deeper to the subconscious and when even that is overwhelmed, it goes on to the psychosomatic level and pain is starting to manifest.

Due to the non-physical nature of stress, pain and All kinds of Headache especially are the body’s way of saying “I don’t know what to do with this, you deal with it!” even though the dull, ever present pain gets stronger it may cause sharp pain in some places or a more intense feeling of being overwhelmed and lacking air or breathing space.

Getting enough rest, letting go of mental or emotional traps, and taking a step back to look from a wider perspective is a good start for healing stress caused All kinds of Headache. Once you’re on the path to a healthier lifestyle, don’t stop!

Headaches and Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches are classified into various categories based on their symptoms.

Currently, two types of migraines stand out as the most common: migraine with aura and migraine minus aura .So if there is a continuous headache then please don’t worry as there is commonly nothing seriously wrong with you at least not brain tumor.

Afterward give yourself some time to relax and assess your feelings, if your headache is still there, continue for another few inhales and exhales in the way I described earlier. Females are at much greater risk of suffering from migraines, which can be attributed to fluctuations in the menstrual cycle, fluctuations of hormones during menopause, or taking birth control pills.

My senior accounts clerk called up to those in the main bank building and the Manager came down and started to ask me questions about what was happening to me. These clusters of headaches come in cycles which usually last from 1-2 months at a time on average, and then the sufferer can be pain-free for the rest of the year.

When you receive a difficult task and you need to complete it at a very short period, you will most probably going to face headache. It has the loss of peripheral vision, a sense as if you are looking through water, mild headache, some nausea and a general feeling like jetlag.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis are usually less severe than those of acute sinusitis, however this condition may lead to complications requiring prolonged treatment and sometimes surgery. Vital Vitamins and minerals are usually missing from our cells mainly because of our lifestyle. One mineral that can prevent migraine is Magnesium.

Because the brain itself does not have any pain receptors, the pain in headache is actually from several structures in the head and neck region.

Thousands of people were cured of asthma in studies in New Zealand, U.K. and Russia simply by teaching or training them to breath properly!

If you have identified a food or a faulty sleeping pattern that is causing your headache, then you will want to be able to look back at your journal and think.Stress is undoubtedly one major factor why an individual does not have enough sleep. But do not allow it to be a reason to worsen your situation.

So there you have several ways to manage migraine pain, prevent migraine onset, and generally lead a more migraine free lifestyle. EFT is being used by thousands everyday on a worldwide scale to release stress and anxiety, as well as to ease the pain of a headache or migraine.

Finding something that works can truly be a gift to anyone who lives with these headaches. This is not true. Headaches, like most types of pain, are an indicator that there is something wrong going on in the body. Stress reduction is a primary key to preventing and treating headaches.

When shopping for omega 3, make sure you get salmon fish oil that is certified as being free from all pesticides, toxins, or heavy metals.

Ocular Migraine Headaches

Ocular Migraine Headache ordinarily should not be cause for too much concern, however ocular migraine symptoms can sometimes impede your everyday activities that you take for granted such as Driving and Reading.

Suffers of ocular migraines may experience migraine aura or optical migraine, these issues can occur without headaches and can be common to suffers, symptoms can include

      • Visual blind spots
      • Seeing stars or spots
      • Random flashes of light
      • Seeing zigzag patterns

The exact cause of ocular migraines is not clear, however for some people it relates to different types of food they eat that they might have allergies to such nuts, chocolate and shellfish, as well as foods containing some artificial sweeteners.

People also experience ocular migraine episodes when consuming produce containing traces of caffeine and alcohol. In the past it has been thought that tension and fatigue were linked to ocular migraines but a consistent link has not yet been found by medical researchers.

Even though the exact cause of ocular migraine is unknown, some evidence does however suggest the involvement of blood vessels in the sufferers head. This can happen at certain periods of the day from morning to noon, for for some people this can be experienced all day, spreading pain from one side of the head to larger areas.

Ocular migraines can be described as irregular in that the length of times between episodes can very from days to months and even years. even though you find your condition worsening, persisting or find you start getting headaches during episodes you should consult your doctor to explore suitable treatment.

Dangerous Migraine Headache and Tension Headaches

This months topic will address dangerous headaches. To keep this in perspective, most headaches are NOT dangerous. In fact, tension-type headaches and migraines are very common and remain the focus of most health care providers and patients who suffer from headaches. With that said, its important to discuss the signs and symptoms that might help all of us differentiate between headaches that are safe versus those which are not safe.

The most important factor to consider is when the typical headache is suddenly different. Some of these different symptoms may include slurred speech, difficulty communicating or formulating thought, seizures, fainting or loss of consciousness (even for a few seconds), memory lapses, double or blurred vision, profound dizziness, numbness in the face or half of the body, an alarm should sound off telling you to get this checked ASAP as these symptoms, when they deviate from the norm may be indicative of a more serious condition. This can be challenging as seizures are often related to migraines and might be a common symptom of a migraine headache for some migraine sufferers.

Signs of a dangerous headache include:

1.A headache that starts suddenly, especially if it’s of a severe degree.
2.Headaches that start later in life, especially after the age of 50.
3.A change in the quality of headaches.
4.Visual changes, including double vision or loss of vision.
5.Weakness, numbness, or any other neurological symptoms.
6.Fevers especially of rapid onset.
7.Change in mental status including sleepiness, hallucinations, speech changes or confusion.
8.Weight loss.

If there is ever ANY doubt about a dangerous headache, your physician should be contacted.
Typically, the migraine patient will notice a fairly consistent set of symptoms and even though the headaches can vary in intensity, the sequence of events is fairly consistent. Dangerous headaches are the ones that deviate significantly from that migraine sufferers norm. For example, suppose a patients typical migraine is: aura (bright, flashy lights in the visual field or, a strange odor precedes the migraine about 30 min. before the headache strikes), followed by a gradually increasing pain in half of the head which worsens to a point of nausea and sometimes vomiting if something isnt done to stop it (such as a las vegas chiropractic adjustment and/or some form of medication). If this is that patients usual, IF any of the 8 items previously listed above accompany the headache, it should be further evaluated often requiring an EEG (electroencephalogram) and/or MRI (Magnetic Resonant Image). The EEG will test for any electrical signal changes in the brain and the MRI will show space occupying structures such as tumors, bleeding, infection, aneurism, and if performed with a contrast agents, arterial malformations (that is, abnormal networks of blood vessels).