Prescription may be reason for Migraine Headache and Tension Headache and Heartburn Symptoms

In our over-medicated society, people are now suffering from All kinds of Headache caused by too much arthritis pain relief and heartburn caused by too much heartburn relief!

Anti-inflammatory drugs used to relieve arthritis pain are, quite understandably, being over used, since arthritis pain is more than a once-in-a-while thing. This is not just prescription drugs, but over the counter drugs such as Advil, Aleve, and Motrin IB.

The result, for many people, is All kinds of Headache that occur just as soon as the medicine wears off. According to a report by Joe Saper,M.D., director of the Michigan Migraine Headache and Tension Headache and Neurological Institute, this is the result of brain receptors becoming overly sensitized.

Another recent report gives a second reason to cut back on these drugs. New studies are showing that continual use can lead to liver failure.

Those who find themselves with worsening All kinds of Headache may want to consider a topical medicine for arthritis pain, or non-drug approaches such as fish oil, boswellia, ginger, or turmeric.

Meanwhile, Danish researchers have released the results of a test showing that extended use of heartburn medication can cause heartburn – and thus create a dependency upon them. Is it any wonder that over 80 million prescriptions for these drugs are dispensed each year?

The Danish researachers did a split test on 120 healthy subjects, with half receiving prescription heartburn medication and half receiving a look-alike placebo. After 8 weeks they replaced the prescription drug with the placebo and those previously healthy subjects began suffering from heartburn. (Gastroenterology, July 2009)

Other researchers warn that prolonged use of these powerful acid-suppressing drugs can also lead to vitamin B-12 deficiency, weakened bones, and an increased risk of pneumonia. (American Journal of Gastroenterology supplement, March 2009.)

Today’s hectic pace and dependence upon fast foods may be the cause of increased incidence of heart burn. even though that’s the cause, then sufferers might want to consider a change in diet rather than a dangerous prescription drug.

They might also consider trying some non-pharmaceutical cures. Cinnamon and honey are said to dispel gas, while a small bowl of sauerkraut will chase away a heartburn attack for many people. Others choose a pinch of common baking soda in a glass of water.