Migraine Headache and Tension Headache and Migraine Migraine Headache and Tension Headache Relief

Headache and Migraine Migraine Headache and Tension Headache Relief

If you experience moderate or severe migraine headaches regularly and they do not respond to medications, take a look at the following list of triggers and really consider changing your lifestyle to get headache and migraine relief.

Lifestyle changes to think about for migraine sufferers include:

Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day.
Exercise regularly (daily if possible). Make a commitment to exercise even when traveling or during busy periods at work. Exercise can improve the quality of sleep and reduce the frequency and severity of migraine headaches. Build up your exercise level gradually. Over-exertion, especially for someone who is out of shape, can lead to migraine headaches.
Do not skip meals, and avoid prolonged fasting.

Limit stress through regular exercise and relaxation exercises. Limit caffeine consumption to less than two caffeine-containing beverages a day.
Avoid bright or flashing lights and wear sunglasses if sunlight is a trigger.

Avoid certain foods especially those high in tyramine such as sharp cheeses or those containing sulphites (wines) or nitrates (nuts, pressed meats).
Identify and avoid foods that trigger headaches by keeping a headache and food diary. Review the diary with your doctor. It is impractical to adopt a diet that avoids all known migraine triggers; however, it is reasonable to avoid foods that consistently trigger migraine headaches.

Generally, leading a healthy life-style with good nutrition, an adequate intake of fluids, sufficient sleep and exercise may be useful.

Here is a free eBook Migraine Migraine Headache and Tension Headaches that has a wealth of information about migraines.

See how 2 minutes is all you need to fix your headaches!

There are so many different medications for migraine sufferers, but I have just discovered a product that works on over 95% of the people has ZERO side effects.  On top of that its pain free and you can use it over and over again.  You can use it on your friends and family too.  It’s safe, easy and best of all you can get rid of a migraine or headache in about 2 minutes. No waiting 30-45 minutes for your pills to kick in.  No side effects and no pain or bad taste in your mouth.

Migraines are often under-diagnosed and under-treated. There is no cure for migraine. But, there are numerous measures that may help improve the life of migraine sufferers. The choice of these measures should take into account the individual aspects of each migraine sufferer. Triggering factors, nerve inflammation, blood vessel changes, and pain are each addressed aggressively. Individualizing treatment is essential for optimal outcome.

It’s time to get migraine and headache relief today, don’t wait any longer, it’s your life you should be able to live life to the fullest, migraines shouldn’t be holding you back.

Sinus Migraine Headache and Tension Headache Remedies


Sinus headache is a medical condition characterized by severe pain in the forehead and the cheekbones. It is basically a symptom of sinus infection, which is caused due to the overflow of mucus and air in the paranasal sinuses (the hollow spaces behind our eyes and cheekbones). Excess mucus secretion is a part of our body’s defense against irritation by various allergens and/or viral infection. Sinus headache is primarily associated with acute sinus infections. The throbbing pain, ranging between mild and severe, may persist for a week or sometimes even more. The headache is known to cause utter discomfort to the individual experiencing it, and the best way to get relief from this discomfort is to initiate sinus headache remedies as soon as headache symptoms start surfacing.

Sinus Migraine Headache and Tension Headache Remedies

There does exist some natural methods which can provide sinus headache relief at home. Remedies to relieve sinus headache include cold compress, acupuncture, aromatherapy, etc. Some more simple yet effective sinus headache remedies are given below.

Cold compresses by dipping a towel in cold water and applying it on the forehead helps in easing the pain associated with sinus headache.
It may sound surprising, but eating spicy food also helps in clearing the nasal passage and thus relieving sinus infection and its symptoms.
Expectorants, such as eucalyptus oils, are also effective in clearing the mucous accumulated in the respiratory tract.
A nap for about half an hour in a dark room helps in alleviating the pain associated with sinus headache to a great extent.
One of the best sinus headache remedy is to eat jalapeño pepper, which helps in draining mucous and reducing the pain.
Various head and neck stretches also show desired effects, when it comes to easing the pain in forehead and cheekbones associated with sinus.

These were some simple yet effective sinus headache symptoms remedies, which would not just help in treating sinus headache, but also help in preventing it in the long run.

In case of severe sinus infection, however, you may have to consult a doctor and undergo proper treatment. This treatment procedure shouldn’t be substituted by sinus headache home remedies. More importantly, if you are undergoing sinus headache treatment, you should complete the entire course of medication prescribed by the doctor. Other then these, taking some preventive measures such as avoiding irritants, drinking plenty of fluids, using humidifier and maintaining clean surroundings can also help in keeping sinus infection, as well as sinus headaches, at bay.

Migraine Headache and Tension Headache Symptoms

A migraine is a severe headache usually followed by symptoms including nausea and vomiting. This would disable you in a few hours or maybe even days. The level at which this happens or even just its frequency varies.

A recent study shows that women have problems with migraines much more than men. Although its exact cause is unknown, birth control devices happen to be one of many culprits.

A good example ofsuch a birth control device is the oral contraceptives. It is because its ingredients alter the woman’s hormonal level and causes the migraine. The causecertainly is too much estrogen which is certainly put into what is already naturally produced by the body.

Besides migraine, oral contraceptives may cause medical abnormalities from uterine fibroids to breast cancer.

Sometimes, the migraine attack may occur before or after taking the oral contraceptive. If this happens regularly, you are advised to try another method of birth control. This could be avoided though if you take it with food or milk. You should take this at the same time daily and stick with the prescribed dosage that was given to you.

Women over the age of 35 and experience migraines as a result of using birth control tablets and other devices are at risk of getting a stroke. This is another reason why some institutions strongly advice females to use another thing if they don’t want to get pregnant.

Those who are diabetic, have high cholesterol levels and blood pressure are advised not to take oral contraceptives.

But there is hope. One of the newest oral contraceptives to date is Seasonal. This tablet was introduced into the market in 2003 and since it makes females only experience a period four times in one year, this means fewer headaches for migraine sufferers.

But this oral contraceptive may not work for everyone.

In case you suffer migraines due to neurological problems, this won’t do any good and you will have to find another birth control device.

Women may still choose to use oral contraceptives.This really is only after they are examined by the doctor and if everything looks good, he or she will prescribe a lower dose of oral contraceptives. Talking to your physician may even prevent a full blown migraine from happening since there’s really no permanent solution to stop this from happening.

But you’ll find some women who experience migraines even before they start using oral contraceptives. In fact, the frequency didn’t increase or decrease once they were around the tablet but complained that the severity of the migraine got worse.

The severity of the migraine will also not go away overnight after you quit using oral contraceptives. Studies show that it will have a few months to your hormonal levels to normalize and only then will you have the ability to see an improvement.

Despite that, migraines will still happen and you will not blame it only on the tablet but due to other factors such as the food you eat, stress at home or in the office, other medications that you may be taking, physical factors and changes in the environment.

So although there is a direct link between oral contraceptives and migraine, you cannot say that it is the only reason why women suffer from it more than men.

Sinus Migraine Headache and Tension Headache

Headaches are associated with more than 300 known medical conditions. Sometimes they are caused by the disease, and sometimes the conditions. One of these conditions is sinusitis, which is commonly misdiagnosed. This is often confused with migraines. Sinus headache symptoms are often caused by full or inflamed sinuses. The sinuses are located in several different places. These include behind the eyes and above the nose. The mucus and tissue in these cavities can be filled or irritated, causing much pain. Sometimes the cavities become so full that create the pressure, in turn, causes pain. 

These headaches are called secondary headaches when caused by something like a common cold or some other existing medical condition. When the headache is the condition, known as primary headaches. These are also often caused by something else. Be careful not to select one that will actually worsen the effects. Paracetamol and aspirin are effective treatment options, but may be exceeded. MOH (medication overuse headache) is something that affects people that overuse of medications, either in-the-counter or prescription. 

Sometimes a more serious condition is indicated by a sinus headache. A deviated septum is a genetic disorder that causes the sinus cavities to retain more fluid than they are supposed to. This is a type of sinusitis. even though you are diagnosed with this disease, which can be corrected through surgical methods. Treating the symptoms of sinus headaches may be enough to get through the milder cases. Swelling and pain can be reduced by placing a hot or cold compress on the affected area. Various nasal sprays have also proven effective in treating this condition. Be careful not to exceed the recommended dosage, though, or you can actually make the condition worse. 

Environmental factors may also contribute to sinus headaches symptoms.

Air travel will often due to pressure changes involved. Allergens and stress can adversely affect the sinuses. Other factors such as weather can also affect the sinuses. Changes in humidity and air pressure can cause inflammation of the sinus cavities that in turn cause headaches. 

When full sinus cavities are to blame for this problem, they usually disappear when the drainage of the sinuses. Steam inhalation can sometimes get the draining process began. even though that fails, antibiotics are often necessary to reduce the liquid content in the breasts. even though you have recurring sinus headaches, sit with your doctor to determine the best treatment for the symptoms of sinus headache options.

Migraine Migraine Headache and Tension Headache Symptom

Migraine is a common neurological condition that affects millions of people from all ages, nationalities and gender. Like any other disease, its presence is manifested by symptoms felt by the sufferer and whose existence allows physicians to make a diagnosis.


The most common migraine symptom and the most recognizable as well, is the headache. Although it is not present in the rarer forms of the disease, it is one evident sign of migraine. The headache that accompanies a migraine is not the kind that gives a dull ache. The pain felt by migraineurs is the intense, throbbing kind which sometimes necessitates complete rest and disrupts normal daily functions. However, a headache is not the only indicator that signals a migraine. Depending on the migraine attack, a host of other symptoms arise as well. Analyzing them helps the medical practitioner in determining what type of migraine the patient is suffering from and in prescribing the appropriate medications.


An inventory of migraine symptoms could be quite lengthy due to the various types of the disease. A generalized list of these include: severe headache on one or both sides of the head, nausea, vomiting, weakness, vision disturbance, sensitivity to light and sound, pain over one eye, aura, blurred vision and temporary blind spots. When the migraine comes with aura, this gives rise to a whole new set of symptoms that consists of: seeing flashing lights or zigzag lines, temporary blindness, speech difficulty, tingling and weakness in the limbs and face, confusion, giddiness and noise sensitivity. This does not mean the sufferer undergoes all the symptoms during the attack.

Most likely, he will experience only a few. Symptoms also vary from person to person. Further, a migraine symptom could be felt days before the attack, during the prodrome stage. In these times, the migraineur has unexplained feelings of elation or intense energy, cravings for sweets, thirst, drowsiness or irritability and depression.


Diagnosing migraine is not an easy task for the physician. In order to make an accurate evaluation, he will need to have as much information as possible, obtained from the patient and from medical tests conducted. Observation and analysis of symptoms is very helpful in arriving at a diagnosis. By knowing what symptoms are experienced by the patient, the specialist will be able to tell what type of migraine it is and what treatments are to be administered. During consultation, the patient will be required to describe the duration and frequency of his All kinds of Headache and how intense they are, where pain is located, presence of associated symptoms and behavior during a headache. Since other illnesses also exhibit similar sings to migraine, these have to be ruled out. A case in point is the fact that people with sever sinusitis also experience double vision and vision loss.


Experiencing migraine, however mild, is not a pleasant event. But the sufferer can put this to good use by being observant and recording what he is going through. The complexity of migraine and the difficulty in diagnosing it means that no detail is insignificant. Thus, if the patient is to take an active role in the management of his disease, he needs to be vigilant of every single migraine symptom.